Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I thought I should write something...

I have been really busy lately. Mostly crazy things that are happening to Derek's Car. It runs one day and won't start the next. Then we got it fixed and the next day Derek was in an accident (don't worry no one was hurt). A few days before that Logan came to visit us(or that is what we would like to think)! He is here for a couple weeks then goes back to school. I have had a car off and on for a few weeks....it is annoying but we are saving money cause I can't go to the store...but we also don't have very much food. OH WELL YOU LIVE AND LEARN...but no worries we do have a third car and my sister uses it for the summer which is over in like a week or so, so it will be great to have a more dependable car again....

I am tired :) Life is exhausting sometimes


Rebecca Robison said...


Rebecca Robison said...


what the heck is that all about?

Samson said...

Hey Ash,
Don't know if you'll be able to get this comment, I can't remember my name and password :)

Was up at 3am and decided to look around your blog. Way cute! You are so talented in that area.

I know I blew it by not blogging about the new house project....I (we) had big ideas when we got started. But I have bit off more than I can chew, and actually I'm choking right now!

Sorry I haven't been able to help you and Derek and Kenzie with anything. Thanks for all your help. I know it's hard for you right now. Hang in there.


Tiffanie said...

I miss you!